
Bilingual Medical Assistance (House Call) by general practitioners 24 hours 7 days a week.

Bilingual Specialty Medical Assistance in the specialist’s office and Local Hospitals.

Ambulance ground transportation

Hospital Assistance Coordination

Coordination and liaison with Pharmacies

Dental Services

Ground transfer (taxi)

• Our specialties service was created to offer high quality assistance with experienced medical specialists in their field and in tourist assistance without the need to go into an emergency room, thus avoiding unnecessary hospital protocols and costs.

• As part of our services we provide patient guidance for the purchase of their oral medications by coordinating the delivery of these in the room, with the supervision of the treating physician to ensure that these are the ones prescribed.

• Our service and assistance protocols allow us to exceed the patient’s expectations, thus achieving a satisfactory experience, providing security and tranquility to the traveler.

• The attendance time when the call is received until the doctor arrives to the room is 1 hour average.

• Once we get the contact information of the patient we call to know directly from de passenger the problem, to inform the waiting time and to provide some advise meanwhile the doctor arrives.